UnWired Episode 39: “nVidia Rocketship & Jensen Stories with Fram Akiki and Daniel Obodovski”

Enjoy the Show!

nVidia Rocketship to $3T marketcap!

CPUs, GPUs, and NPUs. What’s up?

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UnWired with your host Jim Pyers, explore the rise of nVidia, the GPU and AI with Fram Akiki and Daniel Obodovski. We deconstruct and try to make sense of this rapidly evolving world of AI apps in the “cloud” and at the “edge”, what it means and why it could change everything or nothing?

We are honored to have Fram Akiki as our guest, along our newly installed perennial guest host and author of the Silent Intelligence Daniel Obodovski.

Fram Akiki - visit him on linkedin: linkedin.com/in/iotcomputingandwireless

  • BIO: President at Joun Technologies / Adjunct Instructor - Clarkson University, Cal State / Ex-Siemens, Qualcomm, IBM / Adirondack 46er. 

Daniel Obodovski -- (2) Daniel Obodovski | LinkedIn

  • BIO:  Daniel is an author, technology and strategy leader with executive experience at Motorola, Qualcomm, Samsung, Co-founder of the CommNexus IOT SIG, and founder of the The Silent Intelligence.  He also participates regularly in the UnWired podcast as a featured guest, contributor and moderator.

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Jim Pyers

Multi-varient human.  Value for Value.  


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