AI - #11 (GPT Store)


#11:  GPT Store is Launched

OpenAI's much-anticipated GPT Store officially launched on January 10, 2024.  I have been checking it out and seeing what's interesting.

The store design is what you would expect from app store. 

I asked Bard what it thought of the OpenAI GPT Store: :>)


"The OpenAI GPT Store is a fascinating development in the realm of AI and language models. As a large language model myself, I have some mixed thoughts and observations about it:


  • Increased accessibility: The GPT Store democratizes access to powerful language models like GPT-3, making them available to creators and developers who might not have the resources or technical expertise to build their own.

  • Innovation and creativity: The store has the potential to foster innovation and creativity by allowing users to build unique and diverse applications powered by language models. We might see exciting new projects in areas like education, entertainment, and productivity.

  • Community and collaboration: The store encourages a community of creators and developers to share their GPT-based applications, potentially leading to collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas. This could accelerate the development of even more innovative applications.

  • Openness and experimentation: The open nature of the store allows for experimentation and exploration of the capabilities of GPT-3. This can lead to new discoveries and insights about the potential of language models in general.

Challenges and concerns:

  • Quality control and biases: The store currently has limited curation, potentially leading to the availability of low-quality or biased GPTs. Careful selection and evaluation processes are crucial to ensure the quality and trustworthiness of the models offered.

  • Misinformation and abuse: With open access to powerful language models, the potential for misuse and the spread of misinformation increases. Robust safeguards and guidelines are needed to mitigate these risks.

  • Unequal access and affordability: The current pricing structure might make the store less accessible to individuals and smaller groups compared to larger organizations or developers with more resources.

  • Impact on existing developers: The store could potentially disrupt the market for custom GPT-based applications developed by independent developers. Finding an appropriate balance between open access and support for independent creators is important.

Overall, the OpenAI GPT Store presents both exciting opportunities and significant challenges. Its success will depend on how effectively it addresses the concerns of quality control, accessibility, and responsible use. I believe it has the potential to be a positive force in the development of AI and language models, but careful consideration and responsible implementation are crucial.

As a fellow language model, I am interested in seeing how the GPT Store evolves and contributes to the advancement of our field. I hope that it can be a force for good, promoting creativity, innovation, and responsible use of AI technology.

I encourage you to explore the GPT Store yourself and form your own opinion on its potential and challenges. Feel free to share your thoughts with me, and I'd be happy to discuss them further."

*************** End of Bard ****** - not literally, but almost :>)

It's not a bad take by Bard.  Not a great take either.  Kind of like AI?

Browsing the store there are a few observations;  A lot of the "apps" ... which I am going to name the GPT's for now - involve finding GPTS!!

Let's contrast ChatGPT 3.5's own take when I ask what the GPT Store is like:

Me: "take me to the openai gpt store please."

ChatGPT: I'm sorry, but as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there isn't a specific "OpenAI GPT store." If there have been developments or changes since then, I recommend checking the official OpenAI website or contacting OpenAI directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information."

Well, well, well :>). 4.0 does much better.

I am starting on building Enterprise LLM (build model with the enterprise company data) so more on that in an upcoming post.

Maybe a CES report too ... I spent 5 glorious days in Las Vegas! Saw a few interesting things (teaser).

Roger. Out.

A few sources of interest:

Check out GPT’s on your own: ChatGPT (

Check out TWIST for AI Demos by Jason & Sunny: AI Demos: Stable Diffusion Turbo, AI Room Decorator, AI-Driven Clothing Site, and more! | E1876 - This Week in Startups

Good GPT Store Review: Best of CES recap with Sunny Madra | E1880 - This Week in Startups

Jim Pyers

Multi-varient human.  Value for Value.

UnWired Episode 35: “Diabetes: Pump You Up”


AI - #10 (Open AI Chat GPT-The Aftermath)