Generative AI - #1 (Deconstruction)


NOTE: This is an attempt to create an executive level (AI primer) series to assist in understanding AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology, use cases (i.e. application), potential pitfalls, and maybe even some non-working code samples :>). Given the recent Artificial Intelligence explosion of interest and concern, knowing a little bit about what’s “under the hood” seems like a good idea? (for our first exercise, close your eyes when reading news stories and try replacing “AI” with “Blockchain” and you may possibly get a small picture of what might be happening here?). Hopefully this mini-series will serve to demystify the claims around AI and provide basic insight into the fundamentals of what media and pundits refer to as “The next big thing, ready to destroy the world with sentient robots” — that was a good movie. So come along on my journey as I try to figure this out and deconstruct those pesky little facts!

Welcome! Interested in this “new” AI revolution? I had software developer peers/buddies working on “AI” in the mid 90’s, so this is really nothing new. I remember one of early programming partners (I learned alot from “Steve”) at a financial software company in Zurich. He left to take a job in “AI” in 1985! So is this really new? For example, I have been working on Conversational AI (NLP, Digital Assistants) for 5+ years. So what changed? The above duly noted, suddenly there is massive interest in AI, seemingly out of nowhere? Is it real? Is it a distraction? Is it useful? These and more questions will be uncovered during this series. Of course, there are some fun new capabilities that I will be exploring and reviewing (including source code examples over the next few weeks) to attempt to demystify the mystical. Just for fun, today I asked Bard for the bible verse of the day. This is what it gave me back:

The Bible verse of the day for Friday, June 2, 2023 is from Revelation 3:20:

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."

This verse is a reminder that Jesus is always near, waiting for us to open our hearts to him. When we do, he will come in and fill us with his love and peace.

Here are some thoughts on this verse:

  • Jesus is always near. He is not far away or out of reach. He is always with us, even when we don't feel his presence.

  • Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts. He is not forcing his way in, but he is waiting for us to invite him in.

  • When we open the door to Jesus, he comes in and fills us with his love and peace. He gives us the strength to face whatever challenges we may be facing.

If you are feeling lost or alone, know that Jesus is there for you. He is waiting for you to open the door of your heart to him.

Hmmmm .. .maybe Bard is not as bad and evil as I first thought? So kick back and enjoy the series and continue on to AI Series - #2 ….. “it’s not a job, it’s an adventure”.

— Jim

Jim Pyers

Multi-varient human.  Value for Value.

AI - #2 (Sample LLM)


EJ’s High School Career Synopsis