UnWired Episode 31: “Expert”

A new format, new album art, new year.

In today's show I share what happened during the long pause and I deconstruct one who is believed to be an "expert".  The question is always an "expert" of what?

Join UnWired”, a regular anit-narrative deconstruction - featuring Jim Pyers, a citizen journalist podcaster moonlighting as current events analyst and consultant of the white rabbit kind; Visit the show at wiresworld.net or support the show at wiresworld.net/donate. This program is casual and non-rehearsed and may feature occasional guests or recorded interviews. Show notes at wiresworld.net/blog.

Jim Pyers

Multi-varient human.  Value for Value.  


UnWired Episode 32: The Greatest Mind You Never Heard of - Thomas Sowell


UnWired Episode 30: Schools Out (still)