UnWired Episode 34: “RIP D.I.E”
Men must step up.
Jason Whitlock clips deconstructed, telling us how and why.
Today's Episode 34 (RIP D.I.E) is the "return of the Mack" :>) I highlight Jason Whitlocks analysis of D.I.E. and how it's an unveiled attempt to take down the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. male. For links to the show clips and nots visit https://wiresworld.net/blog.
“UnWired”, is an anti-narrative deconstruction - featuring Jim Pyers (THE "Wire"), the "narrative slayer" and lowly citizen journalist podcaster; Visit the show at wiresworld.net or support the show at wiresworld.net/donate. This program is casual and non-rehearsed and features occasional guests or recorded interviews. Show notes at wiresworld.net/blog.