UnWired Episode 42: “Flower-Powered Snapdragon on the Edge”

Enjoy the Show!

Jim shares info about his CoPilot Surface Pro!

What I setup, the pros and cons and why AI PC’s are in your future.

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UnWired with your host Jim Pyers, explore the first AI based PC family, the Surface Pro CoPilot+. These come with the excellent Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite series of processors. You can enjoy the same show on video this time! https://youtu.be/MhinSBowmSk

Just me today. Check me out here or on linkedin - James (Jim) Pyers | LinkedIn.

Please Support UnWired @ www.wiresworld.net


Jim Pyers

Multi-varient human.  Value for Value.  


UnWired Episode 43: “Energy and the Edge”


UnWired Episode 41: “Growing up Russian Ukranian”