Podcasts Jim Pyers Podcasts Jim Pyers

UnWired Ep. 34 (“RIP D.I.E.) Show Notes & Links

UnWired Show Notes:  Ep. 34

The NoAgenda Show

No Agenda Show


Dr. Jordan Peterson Podcast & Content

Jordan Peterson – Dr. Jordan B. Peterson (jordanbpeterson.com)


Dr. Thomas Sowell

See UnWired Ep. 32:  UnWired Episode 32: The Greatest Mind You Never Heard of - Thomas Sowell — WiresWorld


// UnWired Show Noted from Ep. 32


Dinesh D'Souza

Join Dinesh D'Souza


Police State | Official Site (policestatefilm.net)


Royce White - Please Call Me Crazy

Royce White: Please, Call Me Crazy | a podcast by Royce White (podbean.com)


Jason Whitlock's "Fearless" Show

Clip of the Day (since I brought up Jason) is a great Clip by Jason addressing DIE, it's attack and male leadership, and the attempt to rewrite a secular history.

Link to Jason's Full Show: 


UnWired Clip is taken about 1 Hr 22 min.


NOTE: 1:25 Jason's Explanation of the founding fathers and the Constitution .... brilliant.

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Podcasts Jim Pyers Podcasts Jim Pyers

UnWired Episode 33: “Kyrie Irving - The Greatest of All Time”


UnWired, Episode 33 - for Sunday, December 5th, 2021:  

Show Title:  “Kyrie Irving - The Greatest of All Time”

Support the Show: Donate — WiresWorld

Show NOTES: Blog 2 — WiresWorld

Show Credits & Sources & More Credits:

As always, thanks to Adam & John of the NoAgenda Show - as many of the clips I use for the show come from their collection and recent productions.  In full disclosure, I am a regular producer of the NoAgenda show and recommend to anyone listening to try it out.   Visit Noagendashow.net or bing or duckduckgo Adam Curry or John C. Dvorak.  Thanks to Moe Factz too!


No Agenda (noagendashow.net)

Show Support:

Please support the UnWired show at wiresworld.net/donate.  We are the value for value model - if they show brings any value to you - contribute what you can.   Also - clips, jingles, ideas welcome - and you will be credited for any contribution we use on the show - as a show producer.  

Media Sources: 

// Tucker & Whitlock - on Chappelle and Kyrie

Tucker Carlson - Jason Whitlock On Kyrie Irving Getting Kicked Out Of The NBA - YouTube

// Fox & Friends - Kilmeade & Kanter

Enes Kanter calls out NBA: When the things they criticize affect their business, 'they stay silent' (yahoo.com)

// Moe Factz - Show #70


// First Take - Stephen A Smith


// Breakfast Club


// Kyrie on Vaccine Mandates


// Draymond on Vaccine / Wiggins


// jonathon issacs on vaccine status


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